Poor little Lindsey was burning up when we got back from the Easter egg hunt. She'd been acting fine so I didn't notice until I put her down for her nap and she was on fire. When I took her temperature it was 103! I was so scared! It's been so hard to find a clinic around here that will take walk-ins and when I took her to one she'd been to before they said they had made a mistake and they weren't allowed to see children under 2. It was so frustrating so I took her back home and alternated tylenol and motrin. She got down to 100 but then spiked again the next night so I took her to the emergency room.
We figured she had an ear infection but they said she had too much wax buildup so they irrigated her ear and she was screaming and screaming and I cried myself because they kept on doing it and no wax was coming out. Finally one little tiny piece came out and they left her alone. There's no way that little piece was all that was blocking her ear but when the doctor checked her ear after that she said that she did have an ear infection. No wonder she was screaming when they were irrigating it! Poor thing! Luckily she seems to be doing better now.
I can't believe how much they have already changed since I was there! Little Cooper looks a lot older and his little voice is so cute! I remember when Gracie wore those orange hairbows. She had just enough hair to make two little pigtails on top. Looks like they had a really fun Easter! I loved the dinosaurs! All the pictures and videos were great to see!! Thanks for sharing them with us!! Love you all!