Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'm the Baby! Gotta Love Me!!!

She was being so cute after eating her carrots! Showing off all her new teeth! You can tell in these pictures that her eyes are now a green color. At first we thought they might stay blue, but I still don't think they will turn brown like all the others. We'll see!

And I thought she had outgrown her obsession with her tongue, but these pictures show otherwise! Silly Girl! Gotta love her!!!

She's getting enough hair that I can start to play around with it now! This was my attempt at a mow-hawk curl! What a sweetie! I don't know how to get the video to turn the right way.


I feel a lot better about not babysitting anymore!

Christian's Dad sent me a really nice text and when his Mom picked him up yesterday, she said that it is probably for the best, because her niece who is 6 months old and her Mom are living with them, and now they can find a babysitter for both babies together. It made me feel so much better!

It has been so nice to be back to taking care of my own kids now and I was actually able to do the dishes and vacuum. I even pulled out the play-doh and played with Coop and Linds. And this morning wasn't a big rush making sure that all the kids were fed and Gracie ready for school before they dropped him off. I don't feel overwhelmed anymore!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I hate quitting! It is such a feeling of failure to have to quit something prematurely.

I've been debating back and forth whether or not to keep on babysitting Christian and it has been so hard! There would be moments where I would think, "ok this is going to work out after all", and then all 4 kids would need me at once and I would feel like I was going to literally explode at any minute!

He was starting to actually take naps and I could tell that he was a lot happier since his ear infection finally cleared up. However, with Cooper being 2 and 1/2, Christian being 1 and 1/2, and Olivia 9 months, they are just still all so helpless. Changing multiple poopy diapers within a given hour was not the best either. Then Olivia started crawling and she is into everything and pulling halfway up onto things and then screaming because she is stuck. Then I had the thought, "how in the world am I going to potty train Cooper with TWO babies needing my attention?"

At meal times I had to decide to feed him first or Olivia and I usually ended up listening to the unchosen one screaming in the background, while the one I decided to feed, refused to eat.

Then they would nap and all would be well and I would think, "This isn't so bad, right?" Plus it was a blessing to our family to have the extra income.

I just feel like my brain is completely drained and I was starting to feel stretched too thin with everything that I need to do. It was making it hard to focus on teaching piano lessons too and I have been really excited about teaching piano and I really want to succeed.

So . . . I was worried all day about how to let his Mom know that none of the kids were getting the attention that they deserved and it would be best if they could find someone else to watch him. The worst part is that I have only been watching him for 3 and a half weeks now. I felt sick! It was so awkward to bring it up, but she was so sweet. She said, "I understand, it's hard for me and I only have one." Even though she was so kind to me, I still didn't feel very good about quitting on her like that. Of course I told her that I can continue to watch him for as long as they need before they find a replacement. I also told her that I could be a backup sitter in the future if she was ever in a bind. I just pray they can find someone that will be better for Christian and their needs.

Quitting does not feel good.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

We Have A Crawler!!!

I think Miss Livi was just waiting for Gracie to go to Kindergarten before she started crawling. At least the timing worked out for me because once the crawling starts, the chasing begins, along with the frantic "pick that up before the baby gets it and ruins it" type of yelling. At least for now she is still in the slow motion mode. I laugh when I see her "inching" along at a little old lady pace. We are in no hurry to speed her up either!!!

I do believe we have another OCD child on our hands (takes after Mom)! I prefer to say that we are just organized perfectionists!!! Only this time instead of stuffed animals being lined up (Gracie) it's cars and trucks lined up. Love it!!!

I later came out to find this pattern. I can just see the wheels turning in that boys head as he made this one. All of my kids are just too darn smart!!!

Little Linds "reading" a book! This is definitely her new favorite outfit! Don't worry - it is getting washed in between wearings. How do I know this? I'm pretty sure I do at least one load of laundry every day - it never ends! Now I really see how quiet she is with Little Grace at school. I think she is excited to be the oldest and to be my new "big helper".

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


My little baby is all grown up and going to Kindergarten!!! She was so worried about getting up on time, so I had to show her how alarm clocks work. When I went in to wake her up she just rolled over until I said, "Kindergarten!" Then she shot up in bed all excited and anxious to get going! She was ready before the rest of us since we decided to drop her off at school, and she kept asking, "Is it time to go yet?"

When we got to school there was already a family ahead of us in her classroom, but when I tried to tell her to wait, she just trotted into the room, completely fearless and ready to go. It was like she thought we were holding her back. We got a picture of her with her teacher and then headed out. She barely even said goodbye!

I kept thinking about her throughout the day, and there was a weird quietness at the house without her there. I got so anxious when it was time for the bus to arrive at home. That was the part I was most nervous about. She got off the bus, all grins, and ran and jumped up into my arms! It was so sweet! We showered her with questions and at first she was shy about answering them, but once we started asking more specific questions, she lit up and couldn't stop talking about how much fun she had! She kept saying, "School was so fun! I like school!" It made me feel so happy and relieved! Her little face just looked all lit up and she couldn't stop smiling! She already seems so much older after just one day!!!

Lindsey's Birthday!

My little Lindsey Lee is four years old! I can't believe it!

I never realized until the other day that she was born August 2009 (8-9) and she weighed 8 lbs 9 oz when she was born. Of course I know her birthday and birth weight, I just never realized the 8-9 pattern.

She got so many phone calls and messages that I later heard her singing, "Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You . . .  Please leave a message." I laughed so hard! She is so stinkin' cute! She loved all the calls and grinned so big every time she realized the phone / message was for her.

About a month ago I was talking to her about not sucking her thumb and she said, "Maybe when I am four I'll stop sucking my thumb." Every time I caught her sucking her thumb on her birthday I would remind her that it was her last day to suck her thumb and she would grin all embarrassed. Today when I catch her and say, "You can't suck your thumb now that you're 4!" she whips her thumb out of her mouth and smiles. We'll see if it works!

Aunt Kirsten spent the night on Friday and brought her a gift that she was able to open early. A fun princess puzzle!

Then she was able to open another present early when we skyped Grandma and Granddad on Saturday. So she got to have her birthday spread out over the whole weekend!

On Monday she woke up to a bunch of balloons and I was able to follow some online instructions on how to make balloon wings. They were cute, but a bit too big for the kids!

Tim made the cupcakes, I frosted them, and then the girls decorated! Cute little ladybug cupcakes!

She is just too cute and looking entirely too grown up in these pictures! I love this outfit Grandma Cosgray sent!

Too spoiled!

We had to go outside and try out the new bike and helmet! She loves them!

Playing one of the games she got . . .

Setting up the new Dora Dollhouse bathroom set! I have to tell you Matt, the other day the girls were asking for all these things they want and I said they couldn't have everything because it costs too much money. Gracie said, "Maybe we should tell Matt!" Hahaha!!! You spoiled us too much last Christmas and now they think you are made of money!

We had to pick up a prescription for Olivia's ear infection so we asked Lindsey if she wanted to eat at McDonald's, Wendy's, or Arby's. She chose Arby's!!!

Back at home for the grand finale!!!

Livi managed to reach a cupcake and smear it on the back of her head before we could get her cleaned up. She is getting too fast!!!

Here is a video of Lindsey riding her new bike! Thank you so much everyone for the gifts, cards, money, and phone calls! You made her day!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Little Linds!!! We love you!!!