Friday, January 24, 2014

100th Day of School

I can't believe how fast this school year has been going! For the 100th day of school, all the Kindergarten kids dress up like they are 100 years old. What a fun idea! Gracie has been so excited all week and she looked adorable!!! I can't believe she will be six next week and that next year I will have two kids going to school! Crazy!!! 

I wasn't quite sure how to put the baby powder in her hair, but it still worked okay. She liked it at least! What a cute, excited, little Roo!

Just Hanging Around

I thought the kids looked so cute all snuggled under this blanket.

Me and my baby taking a nap together . . .

She is in love with purses/bags. She always slides them on her arms and walks around all proud. The other day I saw her trying to put on the girls dress up shoes too. I can't believe how grown up she has become all of a sudden! She also points her finger at her siblings and yells at them saying, "No, No!" Haha! She is definitely a fiery redhead!

Tim put the Wii Dance for Kids in, and all four of them got into it! Priceless!

Buddy was so sweet to sing some songs for me before naptime.

Monday, January 20, 2014

True Story!

Tim saw this on Facebook and knew I would like it - or at least relate to it. He was right! This is my day to day life (minus the coffee). I couldn't find the source to give them credit, so hopefully I don't get in trouble for some sort of copyright infringement!

Monday, January 13, 2014


Olivia's first pigtails! She looked so cute and grown up! And she is walking!!!

I thought the kids were just coloring in the kitchen, but it turns out, they were also gluing their artwork to the wall! Luckily it washed off easily! Little Stinkers! These are the remains after I removed all the papers from the wall.

Livi with just one ponytail! Just as cute as with two!

Cooper has learned how to climb up onto the top bunk and he is very proud of himself!

The "Reds"! One sucking her thumb, and the other sucking her binky! Little darlings!

Christmas 2013

Kirsten taught Lindsey how to wink, after Lindsey asked why Santa had one eye closed on the cover of one of our Christmas books.

Cooper loves making faces for the camera!

Her hair is getting so long!

Reading the story of Christ's birth from the scriptures while the kids act out the Nativity. I love my little family!  

Gracie brought home a paper from school that the students all got that asked them to draw a picture about Christmas and then write about it. It was so sweet that she drew the Nativity Scene and wrote about Jesus being born and the star guiding the shepherds and wisemen.

All our stockings that Grandma/Karen spent hours upon hours making for us. We love them so much! Thank you!

All the kids in their adorable BYU shirts from Aunt Elizabeth! Thank you! They love them so much! We really appreciate all you have done for us this year Elizabeth!

After asking to take their scooters outside all day, Kirsten and Sam were kind enough to take them out! Thanks guys! And thanks for the pictures and video! I don't know why silly Gracie is laying down! They sure love being outside!

The best part about Christmas this year was knowing that surgeries, special diets, and radiation were behind me, and I could just be at home snuggling my babies!!! Hoping 2014 is an easier year for us!