We left Virginia on Friday the 15th and arrived in California on Friday the 22nd. We usually traveled around 7 to 8 hours a day and the babies did so good!!! The poor things are probably so confused, but they were little troopers and we are so happy that we got to see family along the way!
Lindsey kept saying, "We're home!" probably hoping to be done with the traveling and wondering where her home was, poor thing. Cooper slept most of the time and took a binkie so well when he was awake. Good Boy!!! I got the girls etch-a-sketches along with tons of other new toys for the trip, but I didn't think they would really know how to use them. Gracie surprised me by creating a floor plan! She had squares and rectangles all over the etch-a-sketch and told me that they were the three kids' rooms and the living room! She is so stinking smart!!! She is also an amazing colorer! She did get upset though when she tried to color Princess Tiana with the black crayon. She said, "She's too black!" because you couldn't see any of her facial features. I taught her how to use the brown crayon for black people and to color really lightly and then she was fine.
We stopped in Indiana to see my Grandma and Aunts and cousins! We got to see our parents and siblings and Grandma Christensen in Brigham City! Then we got to see my Aunt Kathy in Reno! When we left Utah Gracie said, "My will miss them so much!"
Grandma and Granddad brought this little pool for the girls to play in and they loved it! I bet it felt so good after being stuck in carseats for so long! Aunt Heidi and Granny supplied new snacks and toys for the kids, which helped re-energize them for the remainder of the journey.
We were so glad to see everyone!!!
Tim will be doing an internship in California until Mid-October and the kids and I will stay in Idaho in October while he goes back to Virginia to graduate and get our things out of storage and moved to Alabama. Then he'll meet up with us and we'll all travel down to Alabama where Tim will be starting work in Huntsville at Redstone Arsenal. It will be so nice to have a house there and be done traveling.