Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jumping on the Bed

Every night after the girls' bath they race over to jump on Gracie's bed. Usually they drop their towels running and start jumping before we can even get their diapers on. It is so cute and they giggle like crazy while they jump! It's especially funny because Lindsey does the lift one leg at a time jump that little ones do before they can actually jump. We tried to re-stage it once their pajamas were on and it doesn't have quite the same effect, but they're still adorable.


  1. So cute! I love that Gracie is wearing her tiara and waving a wand.

  2. Ha ha, Benny loves naked jumping too.
    As for the potty training, I'm sure everyone out there has advice, and I am NOT one to talk, but I just quickly wanted to say (since we are kind of in the same age place) we didn't make as much headway until we told Benny "no more pullups." It was messy and tiring, but things went so much faster after that. He still uses a pull up when he's sleeping, but no kid likes to pee their pants, and he's doing really well (except for #2 but that's a whole other story). Good luck! You're right, it won't be like this forever; they all learn.

  3. So cute!! I can totally see them jumping naked! Did you find anything out about her bed frame?
