Friday, March 18, 2011


Horrible picture I know but I wanted to show Cooper's "tongue-tied" tongue. It makes the tip of his tongue look a little forked like a snake. I was reading things online about it and it said that usually it makes it hard for them to eat. He's obviously getting enough to eat but it can lead to problems with speech and other things later on. If you take care of it soon enough they just have to do a simple "snip" procedure but if you wait too long they have to have anesthesia and a more complicated and painful procedure. He has an appointment in April so we'll see if the doctor thinks its bad enough to need clipped or if they'll make us wait to see if it affects his speech later on. I'm hoping they just clip it now.


  1. Your kids are so cute! I love the ponytails and the photos of Gracie and Cooper. Oh, and the photo of Tim with all three kids on his lap.
    I'm sorry Cooper cries so much. Mayumi was the same way. I even tried a couple different slings, but she somehow knew I was trying to trick her and would cry in the sling. It eventually got better, but it was very difficult for the first few months. I'm sure it's harder when you have two other little ones to take care of. I'm glad Gracie is being such a big help, though.

  2. Poor Cooper!! I hope they can fix it for him!! See you soon Cooper T!!
