Sunday, December 1, 2013


I haven't been making Lindsey take naps since Gracie started Kindergarten, but every once in awhile she just can't stay awake.

Hi Roo!

Love my buddy!!!

Halfway awake.

Cooper asked me to take a picture of him upside down. Silly boy!

Livi on her computer. She is a pro already. . . at least it looks like she is in these photos.

Lindsey is looking and Cooper is not . . .

Now switch! The trials of taking pictures with multiple kids in them.

I put her in the walker so that I could take a shower and she cried herself to sleep.

These were from awhile back, but I forgot I had them on my phone. We were grocery shopping and Lindsey told me that Olivia was eating an apple. She sure was! Little stinker must have reached into the cart when I wasn't looking!

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